Livestock Guardian Dogs

Emerald Mtn Ranch

We breed for working LGDs


Our Turkish Boz shepherds

Bold Protectors, Gentle Souls
History etched in stone

MAVERICK  – The Alpha Guardian 

Maverick is the epitome of an alpha guardian, taking his role to the next level with the same intensity and dedication his mother exhibited. As a Turkish Boz Shepherd, he embodies the perfect balance of ferocity and gentleness. Weighing in at an impressive 185 pounds, he is our gentle giant, commanding respect and admiration wherever he goes. 

The Alpha Guardian

Maverick is a serious guardian with an unparalleled ability to protect our ranch. He often positions himself on hilltops with his back to the house, vigilantly scanning the horizon for predators and keeping a watchful eye on the sky for eagles, vultures, and hawks. His fierce nature ensures the safety of all animals on our property, from birds to newborn lambs and everything in between. 
Despite his formidable presence, Maverick is not overly aggressive in his authority. He is good-natured and gets along well with all the animals on the ranch. His rock-solid temperament makes him trustworthy and reliable, capable of handling any threat without causing unnecessary harm or stress. 
Maverick also excels in public settings, where he advocates for the importance of Livestock Guardian Dogs (LGDs). He demonstrates the remarkable capabilities of Turkish Boz Shepherds to deter large predators, including wolves and even grizzlies. As an excellent ambassador, Maverick captivates both children and adults during school visits and public events, showcasing the vital role of LGDs in protecting livestock. 
Maverick’s presence on our ranch is invaluable, not only for his exceptional guarding skills but also for his ability to educate and inspire others about the critical role of LGDs in diverse landscapes. His strength, gentleness, and unwavering dedication make him a cherished and essential member of our team. 

NOVA – The Energized Protector 

Nova is our vibrant young adult female, weighing in at 125 pounds. Still in her youth, she exudes energy and enthusiasm, especially when playing with the other dogs. As she finds her place among the new pack, Nova’s eagerness to please her humans shines through. She relishes attention and enjoys walks, although she’s not fond of car rides. 

The Energized Protector

While Nova may hold grudges with other dogs, we are actively working on this behavior. Her high energy levels will be better suited once our property is fully fenced for her to be a perimeter guardian. Nova’s love for water and swimming is evident, and her webbed feet make her adept in both snow and water. 
As a serious guardian, Nova is dedicated to protecting our birds, sheep, and calves. She is currently refining her skills to be quieter around the lambs. Nova’s commitment to her duties is matched by her loyalty and trust in her humans. She seamlessly transitions between her roles as a homestead companion and a livestock guardian. 
In addition to her guarding duties, Nova displays kindness towards smaller indoor dogs and exhibits excellent manners. She is currently working alongside Tank on an outer fenced pen to protect the chickens and sheep. Nova’s agility is remarkable, and she loves to climb to the highest points she can find, whether it’s snow piles in the winter or haystacks in the summer. From these vantage points, Nova keeps a watchful eye over the property. 
Nova’s self-assurance is evident as she doesn’t see herself as a smaller Boz; she won’t back down from anything and is willing to give her life to protect her people and animals. With her energy, dedication, and loyalty, Nova will make an exceptional perimeter LGD. We anticipate having a litter in 2025. Contact us to get on the waiting list for a Nova pup and welcome this exceptional guardian into your home. 

PRINCESS – The Regal Guardian

Princess is the newest addition to our ranch, and we are still learning about her many qualities. Imported from Turkey, she is the most beautiful Turkish Boz Shepherd we have ever seen, and we are incredibly thankful to have her as part of our team. With a serious, no-nonsense demeanor, Princess brings a quietly intense presence to our pack. She ranks as the top female, second only to the great Maverick. 

The Regal Guardian

Weighing in at a lean 155 pounds, Princess is not only beautifully built but also the most serious female guardian we have. Her temperament is perfectly suited for her guarding duties, ensuring the safety and security of our animals. While she may not seek human attention as eagerly as some of our other LGDs, she still enjoys interacting with her human companions. She often follows us and finds a vantage point on a hillside where she can watch over both animals and humans. 
Princess exhibits superb manners, an essential trait for a dog of her size and responsibility. Although she has had several litters in the past and has proven to be an exceptional mother, she is taking this year off from motherhood to bond, adjust, and find her place in her new forever home. 
We are beyond grateful to have this beautiful Princess as part of our ranch. Her presence not only enhances our security but also adds a touch of grace and majesty to our team of guardians. Princess is registered with a distinguished bloodline; however, her future litters will not be registered. For those interested in adding an exceptional Boz Shepherd puppy to their own family, we will be taking reservations for Princess’s litter expected later in 2025. Contact us to get on the waiting list for one of her outstanding pups. 

SOX  – The Resilient Guardian

Sox is one of our recent additions and a blessing in disguise. She had a rough time after her owner passed away. Deeply bonded to her sister, Sox became depressed and ill after her sister was taken away. 
Imported with a noble bloodline, Sox’s sire weighs over 200 pounds. She is tall, lean, very athletic, and cat-like in her movements, earning her the nickname “Black Cat.” In her eyes, we saw a desperate longing to belong and be loved. While she may not be the prettiest dog, Sox possesses a heart of gold, an unwavering devotion to her people, and a strong desire to please. 

The Resilient Guardian

Unexpectedly, Sox was pregnant when she arrived, and four weeks later, she gave birth to 13 puppies. Although we had hoped to give all our new dogs the year off to bond with us and the animals, circumstances had other plans. Despite this, Sox has proven to be a terrific first-time mother and has adjusted much more quickly to her new home, the other dogs, people, and animals. 
Sox may not have been raised with livestock, but her instincts run deep. She is learning rapidly and shows great potential as a guardian, much like Samson, to protect against both two-legged and four-legged intruders. She adores our special needs daughter and places her trust in us, always watching over us and the animals. Sox’s resilience and adaptability have impressed us, and we are glad she knows this is her home. 
For those interested in welcoming a resilient and devoted guardian into their family, contact us about Sox’s puppies. These pups inherit her remarkable spirit and dedication, making them excellent candidates for both companionship and protection. 

Tank – The Barricade Guardian 

Tank, affectionately known as “Tank the Barricade,” is one of our newest additions and a robust young, imported stud. Despite not being a tall Boz, Tank is short, thick, and stout, embodying strength and resilience. He has sired litters in the past, often producing pups that grow to be much larger than himself. 

The Barricade Guardian

Tank’s unique appearance includes a distinctive snout, the result of an altercation with another dog when he was younger. Despite this, he gets along well with other dogs and is currently working on being comfortable around various livestock and birds, having had experience with steers before. 
Eager to please his humans, Tank has never shown aggression towards us, even around food. He is quite respectful, patiently waiting to be told he can go through a gate. However, he could use more training on the leash. One of Tank’s favorite activities is digging, which helps him cool off. His entertaining personality shines through as he tries to “talk” to us and joins Nova in howling when a fire truck passes by. 
Tank loves tummy rubs and will lay down with high expectations for a good rub. He has been Embark tested, confirming he is a pure Boz Shepherd. Although he was registered, his future pups will not be. For those interested in Tank as a sire for their female, we may also be able to ship his semen. Alternatively, approved females can be brought to our ranch for breeding. All females must have a recent health evaluation and be clear of STDs. 
Tank is a beloved member of our pack, and his resilience, personality, and eagerness to please make him a remarkable guardian. Contact us if you are interested in Tank’s impressive lineage for your breeding program 

SAMSON – The Emerging Protector 

Named after the biblical figure Samson, our young guardian is currently navigating his way through adolescence, figuring out his place in the pack and honing his manners. At just six months old, Samson already weighs over 100 pounds and exhibits a long, lean build that makes him both fast and agile. His webbed feet allow him to scale across the snow effortlessly, and his love for water was evident when he took a swim in our pond right after the ice melted in April. 
Though still very much a puppy at heart, Samson is quickly finding his role and rising through the pack hierarchy. Initially mentored by Kiba until he outgrew her, he now alternates between learning from Maverick and Princess, who help keep him in line. Despite his youthful exuberance, Samson has a serious side that means business. He is not overly playful, instead focusing intently on his guarding duties. 
Samson’s natural instincts make him a promising deterrent for both four-legged and two-legged intruders. He takes his job seriously, issuing warnings to anything or anyone approaching the property without immediately resorting to confrontation. As he matures, we are excited to see how Samson develops into a formidable guardian. 

Kiba- The Ultimate Guardian

Kiba is a remarkable Livestock Guardian Dog (LGD) who combines the best traits of the Maremma and Great Pyrenees breeds. We welcomed her to our ranch in 2016 from a sheep herder in the San Luis Valley. Initially, Kiba was quite aloof with humans, a common trait among LGDs who are bred as hands off. However, she quickly adapted and has become a wonderful companion who balances her guarding duties with a love for spending time with her humans and enjoying car rides. 

The Ultimate Guardian

Kiba’s name has special significance; in Hebrew, it means “protect” or “shelter,” which perfectly encapsulates her role and nature. An alternate spelling of Akiva, her name reflects her inherent duty to guard and care for her flock. 
Kiba has proven to be the best bird guardian we’ve ever had. Her vigilant nature and dedication mean she can spend nights inside the coops, ensuring the safety and security of our birds. Her presence deters predators and provides peace of mind, making her an invaluable member of our ranch team. 

Maru – The Sweet Advocate 

Maru is a wonderful addition to our team of Livestock Guardian Dogs (LGDs). She came to us as a rescue from California when her previous owner had to move to a big city. Recognizing that Maru’s natural instincts and temperament needed the right environment, her owner made the thoughtful decision to find her an appropriate home where she could thrive. 

The Sweet Advocate

Maru is the sweetest dog with a love for all humans. She excels in public settings, where her gentle nature makes her a fantastic advocate for the role of LGDs in various landscapes. Whether educating the community or simply interacting with new faces, Maru enjoys these opportunities to demonstrate the importance and versatility of LGDs. 
Though she is incredibly friendly, Maru is also capable of standing her ground when necessary. She balances her affectionate demeanor with the protective instincts characteristic of her breed, ensuring the safety and security of her charges without being a provoker. 
Maru’s presence on our ranch not only enhances the safety of our livestock but also serves as a reminder of the invaluable role LGDs play. Her ability to connect with people and her unwavering dedication to her duties make her a cherished member of our team.